
Monday, 27 January 2014

ASK RITABLAZE: "My Ex Has Contacted Me, What Do I Do?" - Girl, 20, Needs Your Help!

Love does wonderful things to us. It changes one's personality for the better, brightens one's mood… and makes people believe in miracles. Even when things turn sour, we still can call it a valuable experience! However, how do we know if we should give a "second chance" to the person who has hurt us in the past?
Our reader sent has expressed her confusion in a letter she sent to, and she asks for you help. Hear her out:
I am a girl of 20 years. I had been dating a guy of 25 for about six months before we parted ways. He's an Igbo guy. When I did everything to please him he wouldn't seem to notice, but shold I do something wrong, he immediately would use it against me. I tried to convince him that I'm tired of him offending me all the time, and of my constant begging, but to no avail.
We separated in March 2013, and I thought I could forget him. I removed his contacts from my social media accounts and erased his number from my phone. Prior to that, for two weeks, I'd been thinking about him, but then decided to move on with my life.
In fact, I've been perfectly happy and content being single from March 2013 to January 2014. That's why I was shocked to see a Facebook friend request from him just recently. Deep inside I feel that I love him, but am not sure if he still loves me back, and wonder what his intentions might be.
I need your advice, because I want him back in my life again, but just am not sure of what to do.
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